Mobile OS – iOS, Android, Windows & Blackberry – Which One is for You?

Posted: January 29, 2013 in Mobile OS
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Various smart phones are available in the market and all of them are run on specific mobile operating systems (OS). The smart phone is nothing without an OS but all the smartphone’s operating systems are different from each other. They have different features and different ability to work. This article focuses on the major OSs in the market like Apple’s iOS, Google’s Android, Microsoft’s Windows & RIM’s Blackberry. These all have a lot to offer and will appeal to people according to their needs.

Let’s have a look at these major mobile operating system.

Apple’s iOS:-

Apple iOS logo

Apple’s mobile operating system (iOS) is considered to be the best mobile operating system. Stunning features and powerful functionalities are the specialties of Apple’s iOS which help users to increase/enhance interactivity and provide lasting user experience. iOS 6 is the latest version and is integrated with Apple’s new iPhone.

A well-integrated ecosystem and easy to use interface and great consistency between hardware and software. You cannot lose information due to hardware or software bugs and hence this makes every Apple device reliable and perfect for both business and consumer.

The iOS itself comes with many inbuilt features and users can enhance his/her interest by adding more free and paid applications.


• Unmatched OS in terms of simplicity
• Tremendous OS in terms of reability
• Stunning features & built-in apps
• Direct access to more than 700,000 mobile apps – iTunes
• Great consistency of hardware & software
• Better support system & free update alert
• Better battery life & management

Google’s Android:-

Google Android logo

Google’s mobile operating system Android has become very popular among smartphone users and so it took very little time to reach the top. If we talk about number of users then Android has gone ahead of Symbian and Window. Everyone today looks at the Android market to sell or advertise product. It will be interesting to know how Google managed this in a very short time? Reasons for the same in the form of benefits:-


• Android is available free of cost and will be free in future as well
• Android is open source and free from copyrights
• Better flexibility of customization allows to modify anything and everything you need
• Access to the wide variety of applications
• Smartphone with stunning features & functionalities at lower price

Microsoft’s Windows Mobile:-

Windows logo

It is also known as Windows phone. This is the version of Microsoft’s operating system for smartphone. It was originally designed for Microsoft’s pocket PCs and gradually used in phones. Microsoft is struggling to make Windows mobile the best phone operating system but in the tough competition of mobile OS, Windows mobile comes below iOS & Android. If you are a big fan of Microsoft’s program like Microsoft office, you can get tremendous compatibility with the Windows mobile OS.


• Better Microsoft mobile office integration
• Smooth & easy synchronization of devices
• Fairly easy to learn and understand Windows phone
• Guarantee of high quality application

RIM’s BlackBerry:-

Blackberry logo

When it comes to mobile operating systems then how can we forget RIM’s Blackberry OS? This is a proprietary mobile operating system which has been developed by Research In Motion (RIM) for enhancing its BlackBerry line of smartphones. This operating system provides multitasking & supports unique input method for input devices rarely seen in other devices like Trackwheel, Trackball etc.

Currently the BlackBerry OS is struggling but the company is preparing to prove its dominance in the smartphone market and is also preparing to present Blackberry OS in it’s new form, ‘Blackberry OS 10′. There has not been any concrete date but it is rumored for an October launch.


• More secure native emails
• Ease of application use on Blackberry

Well, if you are planning to buy new smart phone, hope this article will help you choose the best one. I have outlined below a few lines about the latest phones and the latest operating systems.

For Android lovers, Android 4.0 ICS & Android 4.1 Jelly Bean are the latest operating system and the best Android phones are Samsung Galaxy S3, HTC One X, HTC Evo 4G LTE and Sony Xperia Z.

For iPhone lovers, Apple has recently launched its new operating system iOS 6 and is available for iPhone 4, 4s and 5. The best iPhone are iPhone 4s & iPhone 5.

For Windows phone lover, Best Windows Phone devices:- Nokia Lumia 920 (forthcoming), Samsung Ativ S (forthcoming).

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